This page contains a set of SimpleWorkflow snippets that you may have to deal with someday.

Initializing The SimpleWorkflowBehavior behavior

Don't be scared ! most of the time you will not have to use all the configuration settings like on the following example.


class Post extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    public function behaviors()
        return [
                'class'                    => '\raoul2000\workflow\base\SimpleWorkflowBehavior',

                // model attribute to store status
                'statusAttribute'          => 'col_status',

                // workflow source component name
                'source'                   => 'my_workflow_source',

                'defaultWorkflowId'        => 'MyWorkflow',
                'statusConverter'          => null,
                'statusAccessor'           => null,

                // Event Sequence Component Name
                'eventSequence'            => 'eventSequence',

                'propagateErrorsToModel'   => false,
                'stopOnFirstInvalidEvent'  => true,

Initializing The WorkflowSource Component

Again, no worries ! Usually the default Workflow Source component will be just fine to use and you'll probably never have to create such a component.


$config = [
    'components' => [
        'my_workflow_source' => [
          'class'            => 'raoul2000\workflow\source\file\WorkflowFileSource',

          // Cache component name
          'definitionCache'  => 'cache',

          // load workflow as PHP class from the @app/models/workflows namespace
          'definitionLoader' => [
              'class'      => 'raoul2000\workflow\source\file\PhpClassLoader',
              'namespace'  => '@app/models/workflows'

          // workflow provided by PHP class will be defined as a minimal array
          'parser'           => 'raoul2000\workflow\source\file\MinimalArrayParser',          

           // we provide our own implementation for simple workflow base objects
           'classMap'        => [
                self::TYPE_WORKFLOW   => 'my\custom\implementation\Workflow',
                self::TYPE_STATUS     => 'my\custom\implementation\Status',
                self::TYPE_TRANSITION => 'my\custom\implementation\Transition'
        // .. other app components here ..

Insert a Model in A Workflow

$post1 = new Post();
// the safe way : insert into default workflow (defaultWorkflowId)
$post1->enterWorkflow();                // the status change is done here

$post2 = new Post();
// the safe way : insert into specific workflow
$post2->enterWorkflow('myWorkflow');    // the status change is done here

// the not-so-safe way
$post3 = new Post();
$post3->status = 'Post/draft';          // must be initial status Id
$post3->save();                         // the status change is done here

Getting The Current Status Of a Model

$post = Post::findOne(['id' => 42]);

if( $post->hasWorkflowStatus()) {

    // the safe way
    echo 'status id    = ' . $post->getWorkflowStatus()->getId();
    echo 'status label = ' . $post->getWorkflowStatus()->getLabel();
    echo 'status color = ' . $post->getWorkflowStatus()->getMetadata('color');

    // the not so safe way
    echo 'status = ' . $post->status;

Changing Status

$post1 = Post::find(['id'=>42]);

// Two steps : assignment + call to save()
$post1->status = 'Post/published';
$post1->save();                         // the status change is done here

$post2 = Post::find(['id'=>42]);

// One step : call to sendToStatus()
$post2->sendToStatus('Post/published');     // the status change is done here

Leaving A Workflow

$post1 = Post::find(['id'=>42]);

// Two steps : assignment + call to save()
$post1->status = null;
$post1->save();                         // the status change is done here

$post2 = Post::find(['id'=>42]);

// One step : call to sendToStatus()
$post2->sendToStatus(null);             // the status change is done here

Comparing Two Statuses

// the usual way : compare status ids
$post->getWorkflowStatus()->getId() == $otherPost->getWorkflowStatus()->getId();

// the lazy way

Getting The WorkflowSource Used By A Model

$workflowSource = $post->getWorkflowSource();

Use a reference to the Workflow Source to access the workflow directly (not through the model).

Looping on all Next Statuses

ask the Status Object

$post = Post::find(['id'=>42]);

if( $post->hasWorkflowStatus()) {

    // let's ask the Status object then
    $transitions = $post

    foreach( $transitions as $transition ) {
        echo $transition->getEndStatus()->getId();

Through the Workflow Source

$post = Post::find(['id'=>42]);

if( $post->hasWorkflowStatus()) {

    // ask the WorkflowSource
    $transitions = $post

    foreach( $transitions as $transition ) {
        echo $transition->getEndStatus()->getId();

Use the ChangeStatusAction

Since version 1.1.0 it is possible to change the workflow of a model using a Standalone Action ready to use in your controller. To do so you must declare the action and provide 2 callable variables :

  • findModel : return the model from its id
  • response : customize the response

Here is an example of a controller class using the ChangeStatus action :

namespace app\controllers\workflow;

use Yii;
use yii\web\Controller;
use app\models\Post;
use yii\web\NotFoundHttpException;

class WorkflowController extends Controller
    public function actions()
            return [
                    'change' => [
                        'class' => 'app\actions\workflow\ChangeStatusAction',
                        'findModel' => [$this, 'findModel'],
                        'response'  => [$this, 'response']

    public function response($changedStatus, $model) {
        return $changeStatus;

  public function findModel($id)
    if (($model = Post::findOne($id)) !== null) {
        return $model;
    } else {
        throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');