The Itinerary

The Itinerary is when you tell bob where to go to start data extraction

a Single Page

In its simplest form, the itinerary is the address of the page you want to mine. "http://hostname/path/index.html", extractionPlan);

Another option is to pass an object with at least a url property. This is particularly useful if you need to control the request that will be created and sent. Bob relies on the request module and the itinerary argument can be a complete option object as described in the documentation. In the example below, we tell Bob which user agent he should use to request the page.
    "url"  : "http://hostname/path/index.html",
    "headers" : {
      'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0'

In both cases of success, the result is an object :

  "source" : "http://hostname/path/index.html",
  "data"   : {...}

Many Pages

If you want to use the same extraction plan on several pages just provide an array of adresses and/or objects as the first argument.
      "url"  : "http://hostname/path/contact.html",
      "headers" : {
        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0;) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/59.0'

In this case the result is an array of objects :

  "source" : "http://hostname/path/index.html",
  "data"   : {...}
  "source" : "http://hostname/path/product.html",
  "data"   : {...}
  "source" : "http://hostname/path/contact.html",
  "data"   : {...}

Follow Me

There may be some cases where you don't really know the complete itinerary before to start: you only know the first step and the way to find the direction to the next one. This is for example the case if you want to work on a paginated result set.
    "url"  : "http://hostname/path/index.html",
    "nextUrl" : {
      "selector" : " > p > a",
      "type"     : "@href"
    "maxJump"    : 3

The result is an array of objects

  "source" : "http://hostname/path/index.html",
  "data"   : {...}
  "source" :  "http://hostname/path/p2.html",
  "data"   : {...}